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  • #Series 2:Development trend of electric cars
    Electric car sales grow rapidly: According to an IEA report, global electric car sales have reached 4.2 million units in 2022, doubling compared to 2021. It is expected that this number will continue to grow strongly in the coming years, reaching 66 million units in 2027 and 280 million units in 2030.
  • #Series 1: Career opportunities - Electric car technology: Career opportunities - Catching the trend
    We know that, in the current era of 4.0 technology, the explosion of science and technology is a breakthrough for strong changes in the auto industry in particular and comprehensive fields globally in general. shared. Instead of using environmentally harmful fossil fuels, the auto industry has turned to more environmentally friendly fuel sources: electricity and renewable energy.
  • Get creative with BETU students at the logo design idea contest
    On the morning of April 21, the Faculty of Technology and Engineering (FTE) at Binh Dương Economics and Technology University (BETU) held the final round and award ceremony for the BETU Logo Design Idea Contest 2023.
  • Excited with the competition to design a model car powered by solar energy
    On the morning of May 16, 2023, the Faculty of Technology and Engineering at Binh Dương Economics and Technology University (BETU) organized a solar-powered model car design competition, featuring the participation of seven teams.
  • Talkshow: Career opportunities and challenges in the technology field
    On the morning of October 14, the Center for Automotive Diagnosis, Repair, and Simulation at Binh Dương Economics and Technology University (BETU), in collaboration with Binance Academy, hosted a talk show titled “Fundamental Knowledge on Blockchain Technology, Web3, and the Metaverse: Career Opportunities and Challenges for the Youth.”